Friday, August 11, 2006

Chuck E Cheese

Well last night we decided to go to Chuck E. Cheese. Just spur of the moment. I was tired of being at home. Jorge was laying down not wanted to do anything. I was frustrated and I just wanted to take the kids somewhere to have fun. I told them to get their shoes on and let's go. They asked where and I told them it would be a surprise. At that time I was just thinking going to the park or McDonald's. Jorge asked what was going on and I said, I was going somewhere. He decided to come. Mostly I think because he didn't like how secretive I was being. He decided that he was driving. I can say that I wasn't happy that he was taking over, so I decided that I was going to make him drive farther. (sounds childish, but that's the mood I was in:) He must have thought I wanted to go shopping because he said, To the mall? I told him you can head that way. So we set off to Tricities. I gave him step by step directions - which he hated - and we got to Chuck E. Cheese.

We had a good time. It was fun to see the kids faces when we got there. Cathy couldn't believe it. She was just like "Is this where we're going? It's not even anyone's birthday" We ordered pizza and got some tokens. The kids just started running around. It was great to see that enjoyment. Even Jeremiah was having fun. At first Jeremiah wanted someone with him at each thing, pretty soon he just wanted "quarters".

It was also a good time for Jorge and I. We were able to sit and talk. While we waited for our second pizza. Our first was was thrown away by an employee. I guess they thought we were done and cleared our table. Cathy saw it happen. She called me. I saw the employee throwing away half a pizza. I asked if it was from our table and he denied it. The manager came by while we were asking him about it. So he told the manager that "someone" had thrown away our pizza. The manager ordered us another pizza.

So while the kids played Jorge and I talked. Don't know how many of you are familiar with Dave Ramsey - Financial Peace University. It is an awesome course that completly changes your view on money. Well we've been on Dave's get debt free plan for about a year. Well summer came around and we started deviating from the plan. Jorge hadn't really seen how much it was setting us back. While we were talking (since we could focus because all the kids wanted was more quarters occasionally) he was able to see what was happening. So were are getting back on track - praise the Lord for the breakthrough - . It's exciting for me, because Jorge was the reluctant one from the beginning. I was thinking - he's enjoying spending will he ever want to get serious again? Check out, take a course, read total money makeover. It will change your life.

So that's what yesterday was like. As I was thinking about it last night, I thought how we had left the house in frustration. But it turned out so well. The kids had fun, and we're back on track. What a blessing things turned out. I was also thinking to go to the Grandview Parade, I'm glad we didn't because I don't think Jorge and I would have talked like we did. If you want to see the Grandview parade check out my brother's blog.

God is great - all the time (even when we're frustrated)!


abelara said...

another great post. have you told anyone else about our blog?? send an email to your friends and family.

does jorge know what you say about him on the blog. deb says that's why she read our blog, to find out how exciting our life is.

another cool thing to add would be "in text links" for the things you're describing. like turning the "chuck e cheeses" text in to a link to thier site. or a link to Financial Peace University or my brother's blog

Anonymous said...

Maggie, this is cool, I've never heard or blogging. I will send you an email.

DEBTective said...

Dollface, I just wanted to say that I'm super-proud of you for getting on board (and back on board) with Dave Ramsey's plan. It makes tons of sense, doesn't it? You did a great job of talking to your hub and the two of you working together is going to get you ahead. Great job, baby!