Sunday, October 22, 2006

cathy's blog specs.

ok. for now i've set up Cathy's blog as private. only available to people we know. we have to type your email address in. then you get an email that says something like "cathy wants to add you as a reader, would you like to join." it's kind of a pain, because when you click to go to her blog then, you have to type your email/password to identify yourself as one of her readers, before it lets you see the blog. i haven't decided if i should change it to just regular. my original intent to just not allow anonymous commenters wouldn't work because you can't do that, its either anyone, bloggers only, or go private. in reality who would read her blog anyway other than people we know, but we'll try it this way. hope you read it. oh, she hasn't posted yet - today was just set up day. also if you'd like to read hers let me know so we can add you. i didn't know everyone's email off hand. even if you think i know it - just let me know if you'd like to be one of her readers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so far kids are on beta, i don't think i'm switching. sounds like from abe, it's harder to tweak it. add stuff to the template. like even getting the picture profile to show takes a while. kids got beta so it could be private, but i'm wondering about changing it to just regular, i hate typing in password