Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Moving Day

The difference between having goals and aspirations and not being content with what you have - or where God has placed you? Anyone have wisdom?

Those of you who know me, know that I fluctuate from time to time between 1. wanting my own house (rented or owned), 2. deciding to live with my parents indefinately. There are so many issues either way.

I want so much to have my own place. To have my home exactly the way that I want it. To have it beautiful or messy at my own will. To let my dog come in for a bit (it would still be a primarily outside dog). To have grass. My own furniture, my own stuff. My own home. A place to be hospitable, have kids parties, or just hang out. Carpet, definatlely carpet.

Financially, it may be wiser to stay where I am. I love the bond my kids have with my parents. I love seeing my parents without making the effort to come and visit. Late night talks with my mom when everyone else is asleep. Support for my mom with my dad. Support for me with my kids. Leaving my mom??? She'd get too lonely wouldn't she? Or maybe she'd like the peace and quiet. Her own sewing room.

I want to someday have my dream home, or maybe just any home at this point. I went to visit my friends new home this week and I wanted to cry when I got home. Cry for the beauty of it, how it reminded me of my past places. Cry because of the things that I want for me and my kids. But is that what God wants? Is it wrong for me to want my own place? Should I not think on that and be happy at where God has me? We have more of the house now with the garage built into a bedroom for my parents, but it's still not the same. Shall I just plant myself here, in my childhood home and forget about having my own place? Or should I give those thoughts a second look? I know that true wisdom comes from the Lord, but what are your thoughts? To move or not to move that is the question. oh yeah don't forget "and why"?


Anonymous said...

What questions you have raised. And very good reasons on both sides. I have to give you credit for stopping and looking at what God wants for you. With all the health issues that your father has, God may very well have placed you where you are. There is nothing wrong for wanting your own place. Having a place that is yours... there is nothing that compares to that. The relationship between your children and your parents can only be priceless. As you said living with your parents definitely has its advantages. Concidering that I know that you have been through FPU, this gives you the ability to save money up in order to pay CASH for your dream home. You will have your home, it is just a matter of God's timing.

maggie said...

who are you? do you know me or have just read my blog?? I'm interested to know who you are. Keep commenting I like your thought, just wish I knew who you were.

Anonymous said...

I do know you. However I am working on getting to know you better. I want to see how long it takes you to figure out who I am. I think if I continue to respond to your writing you will soon know who I am;) Until then have fun pondering my identity.

maggie said...

i think i know who you are.

guess #1: you live in the kent/seattle area and were formally from yakima??

guess #2: you are from ellensburg and have recently moved to the Prosser area.

Two people that are on the top of my guess list, right now.

Anonymous said...

You are wrong on both guesses:) Sorry

maggie said...

hmmmm, the quest goes on. are from here locally? gview. do you go to church with me? how long must i be in suspense.

maggie said...

new guess:
you grew up in Prosser (or married to someone who did) and now you live in the seattle area.

Anonymous said...

okay I suppose that I will give you a hint. However I have to be careful not to give away my identity prematurely. I am from Grandview (born and raised), and still live here. I married someone that was born in Prosser but raised in Seattle and Texas. Okay that is probably too much info so that is all the information I can give you right now. I won't keep you guessing to long though. I don't want to annoy you.

Anonymous said...

Please, please, please keep her in suspense for a long time and don't answer any more questions for her. This will give me a reason to get up every morning just so she can fret over who it might be and I'll get to watch from the sidelines. Besides I'm annoyed she didn't even bother to guess that it could have been me.
Susan (Maggie's former friend from work)

maggie said...

susan, you were abe's first guess. i didn't think it sounded like you and i thought that you would for sure leave your name and not be in hiding.

ok, i think it is you jeannie. you were giving yourself away at jj house asking blog questions -maybe. but i used stat counter to track down the person that commented at the same time and date as you and stat counter told me they were from Seattle. so that's why i've been on this seattle track. maybe its innacurate or i checked the wrong times.

is it you jeannie!

Anonymous said...

Who is Jeannie? And who is jj?

Anonymous said...

Well, I haven't had this much fun in a long time. I hope this keeps up for awhile because I know Maggie and I imagine it's driving her crazy. It would do the same to me....that's why I know. That's also why I can find this so amusing. Maggie, I can't wait to see you tomorrow to hear you go on and on and on and on about this....Just kidding. You know I love and respect you.
PS: Anonymous, way to go and remember, no more hints! By the way, I do like your comments too.

Anonymous said...

Well Maggie... Anymore guesses?
I'm glad you are enjoying this Susan. I don't know you but if you are having fun it is that much more exciting to be tormenting Maggie:) Love you Maggie
By the way what did you think of the play last night Maggie?

Anonymous said...

wow... mag was relaying this fun situation. and it is not jeanie? i thought for sure it was jeanie....from g_view, gone to texas... etc...

re: house:

I love you! Hang in there! You Know You Will Have To Come Over To My House All The Time!