Thursday, November 02, 2006

i'm sick

I'm sick! on my birthday! it all started yesterday. today i tried going to work. i went but i just couldn't take it. i ended up leaving at 10:00. monday i took my computer in to get checked out. it hadn't been charging properly and i needed to fix it for the "computer deal" to go through with my mom. otherwise my Mac would be in jeapardy. so i didn't have it until wednesday. Long days! So i'm finally posting today. Cathy's been complaining about not being able to post either.

we're scheduled to go to porland on saturday to get my mac and then we'll go to the OMSI center. That will be a fun "birthday" event for Jorgie. It will all be exciting, but a long day. well since i did come home sick i should go to sleep. just wanted everyone to know that i'm still alive - just out of the blogging sequence.


Anonymous said...

Sorry you're feeling so sick. What a rotten thing to happen on your birthday, especially with you getting older and all....on the downhill slide to 30.

Seriously, I hope you feel better soon. Miss you at work. It's just never the same without you.

Hope I don't catch it. Or, hey, maybe I do want to catch it. Then I can be off, too.

Have a safe trip to Portland.

jessika said...

hey maggie...i hope you're feeling better today!!! i just wanted to say thank you for the encouraging comments you've been leaving on my blog:)

Anonymous said...

Well, hope you still had a good birthday even though you were sick! Oh and Maggie - Happy 28th Birthday!!! Hope you enjoy that new mac of yours. I too may be getting a computer soon probably wont' have interent but someday soon!