Monday, December 25, 2006


Jorge went bald. He has been wanting to go bald for years. I've never really wanted him too. So he always joke about someday he's going to go bald. Well lately I've just been like - if you want to do it, then do it. Don't just keep talking about it. So tonight we were at Jeannie's house and we were all joking with him about - "just do it already". So he did. Cathy didn't want him to at first, then Jorge talked her into helping him. I don't know. Truth be told, I just want some hair on him. He was prior to this evening letting his hair grow long. I didn' t want that either. What's wrong with a regular haircut. He looks alot like his brother Carlos.

Christmas was great. we got to downsize the kids toys to make room for the new ones. I always like that - getting out the clutter - making the rooms have order. For one day at least. Well, I hope that you all had a wonderful day.


Anonymous said...

So, how come you didn't post a picture of him?

BTW, I need to order some stuff from Mary Kay. I want a tube of that cleansing cream that I use for eye makeup removal. I need to get some for Anna now that she's doing the mascara thing.

Do you know what tube I'm talking about? I thought if I told you now that maybe you'd get a headstart on ordering it over the holidays instead of me waiting till we get back to work.

We had a good Christmas, too. Continued fun to all of you!!!

Anonymous said...

hey maggie, i agree with susan, i want to see a pic of Jorge bald haha..does he look way different? will see u at church on wed.
love ya .

Anonymous said...

Hey Maggie,
I agree with Susan, I wanna see a pic of Jorge bald haha..Does he look way different. See you at church on wed.
love ya,

Anonymous said...

Will you link Holly's blog or give me the site so I can read hers?