Thursday, December 21, 2006

Elia - this is for you.

And anyone else who'd like to read, hee hee. I decided to post tonight - just to give Elia some new reading material for her journey at the airport. Although, by now she is safely at my cousins home. Yes, we have a cousin in Denver, Sammy. I met him and family when I was there a few years ago - "hey Sammy, how's it going? I hope that you and your family are doing well. I hear that you have several planned mission trips in the next few years. May God continue to bless you with desire to minister to others." That is assuming that Elia clued them in about our blogs!

Well we are all missing you Elia. Any hopes of staying extra long once you get here? I believe that we have finished our Christmas shopping. I am happy with our choices. It has been quite an ordeal - just not wanting to settle for something, but waiting till we find something super at our price.

So Elia, are you wishing that you drove here? Or do you think you'd have run into more trouble on the road? Is the blizzard stuff just around colorado or other states? Would you have run into closed roads?

Jorge has been approved for a two week vacation this summer. They had to turn in all their leave for the upcoming year. He had originally requested time in December, but they didn't give that to him. They offered him July so he took that. We are planning a trip to Mexico. We are hoping to be able to fly. Of course that depends on cost, but it would surly make the time more worthwhile if we did fly. We have never gone to visit Jorge's family and I suppose after - by then 10 years - of marriage it's about time. Jorge is very excited to take the kids to meet all his family. I guess we better brush up on their Spanish - we want to leave a good impression you know :)

Well Elia, I hope to hear from you tomorrow. I let Cathy spend the night in Tri-cities on account that I'd have to pick you up tomorrow. I hope that I finally get to pick you up!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Okay, I'm going to post something on your's and Abe's blog to check up on Elia. I've been wondering about her still and hope she made the one flight out of Denver. I don't want to call in case you're all in the midst of having family fun and if she's not there I don't want to wake Maggie up!

Hope to hear some good news soon. Have a great time together.