Saturday, January 20, 2007

I gave in.

I did it. I changed to blogger beta. I've been holding out, not because I think that somethings wrong with the new version of blogger. That stuff doesn't even cross my mind. It was more the fact that when I started there was an option blogger or blogger beta. I chose blogger. Why let me choose and then be trying constantly to get me to switch! If there's a choice then let me make it. If you want me to choose something then don't give me a choice. Just tell me what to do.
So my plan was to just stay blogger until the bitter end. When they finally said, "ok if you want to keep your blog you have to switch now".

Well . . . i've been using my blogger username for my blog, but then I sign in with my google username for other things and I was constantly signing in and out of things. What a hassle.
So I changed to blogger beta. Sorry Elia - you're alone in the "Old Blogger' as it is called. Just change already or don't so we can see how long before the force switch if that ever happens.

1 comment:

maggie said...

i surely don't want jack bauer interrigating me.