Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Truth and Grease

Time for a new post. We did our income taxes last night. I've been pondering money and money management. From when Jorge and I got married to now - we made QUITE a bit more than when we started out. Yet, we haven't managed to get ahead (unless you count - eating out more and cooking less :)) I'm not really complaining. The Lord has blessed us. I'm not really worried. Right now we are in the process of taking care of OLD debts. A mess we got ourselves into when we were young poor newlyweds. So I know that once that is done, we will be in a good place. Financial Peace has helped us a lot. Except for when we stray from the plan. Hence the fact we are still in debt, when we should have been done by the start of this school year. I was working on my lesson for Sunday. There was an illustration I read where you had a football with grease all over it. It's now too slippery to hold onto. That is like "truths" or our relationship with God. We have a desire to hold onto it, to live it, but we let it get all greased up. We let things get in our way - when speaking money - wanting to blow more that we have. Wanting to have what we really can't afford. So we still have these truths in our mind, but they are mixed in with our feelings and desires. That's what makes it hard sometimes and then things slip past you. That's when you do your taxes and you say "wow! so much money, yet I can't afford my dreams" When in fact, if we would wipe off the grease - strip down to the facts, the truths that we know will work, we could have it all. I thank the Lord for continueing to bless us even though we are not always wise stewards. I am not a millionaire yet, because I have not been so faithful in the little - so how could He trust me with much? We have put a plan together for our income taxes, pay debt, fix truck, mexico trip installment, oh yea more debt. Hope you all have fun and hold onto the truths that God has spoken to you.


abelara said...

i can't wait to hear you guys scream!!

holly said...

every day is greese. all day. it is amazing how a degreezer changes everything in life. thanks for the good post, mag.