Sunday, April 29, 2007

Happenings and thoughts.

Jorge is loving his horse. It is quarter horse/thoroughbred. It's not that young - like a baby. But it has not really been broken. It hasn't been ridden yet either. Jorge has been working with it. He can lead it on a rope, brush it etc. I love seeing him so happy. His face just glows when he's working the horse. Even when he is just talking about the horse. He found someone who sells saddles and has picked one out. He is moving out to a friend from church's property that is closer to us. He will be getting the corral ready tomorrow. He is excited. He asked how I felt about the horse. I told him. "I like how excited you are with it. And I like that if you have a hobby it is one that we can all potentially enjoy"

Except for now I am more in my I want a house mode. When the horse is ready to ride it would be nice for it to be just right here with us. The dots are just not connecting quite yet for us though. I've looked into two different properties that were for sale. I am looking at cheap - fixer uppers. They would yield cheap monthly payments. And I'd get to have new stuff - you know paint, carpet, etc. I'd have the new house feel but with an older home. There was one that looked promising - needed some fixing but nothing Jorge couldn't handle. But two days after I came across it - it sold. It was in forclosure. I came across another house. In case you wonder how we "come across" - we just drive around. We want a house in the country for the horse so we drive around following for sale signs. This house really needs fixing - i mean it needs new drywall and ceilings, carpet, bathrooms. larger house, larger property - but there is a canal that runs right through the property. So the part that would be the yard for us is ok, but the area that would be for the horse has a canal right through it - you can't just freely ride around. I don't like that. But as people have told me "there'll be another".

Just to share I am having some reservations about our summer missions trip. See it all started with our family vacation. Then since we were going down anyway it'd be fun to be with the church group and go down early. Now Jorge's mom is supposedly coming up for 2 months -may and june. We're supposed to go down and visit his parents - and now we're going to be seeing his mom already. Well true his dad isnt coming. Then I was reading this thing that abe gave us that said "reasons to go on a missions trip. and reasons not to go" I'm not sure if I was connecting more with the to go or not to go side. I know that it will be a great experience regardless. But a little part of me is like. Let's just visit "mom" here and save our money. lay some grass and landscape our yard (finally) or save for a van for the baby or save for a house (someday). I don't know. It always seems like there is so much we want to do with our money and it all can't get done. But Cathy and I already have our plane tickets. We still need the boys tickets.

Jorge started a new shift at work weekends. Sat, Sun, Mon starting at 3:30 pm. He is loving it. I am glad that he his happy to go to work again. Cathy is looking so mature lately. She is really growing in so many areas. Jorgie is still my little handful. Jeremiah is cute as ever even when he gets mad (which he's been doing more lately). I have been gaining weight already. Surprising really since the baby is so small. But it is a good thing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice to know you're still alive. I've been wondering. Good to hear from you! Pray for me this week. I'm hoping to hear about a job and if I don't...well, I'm not sure what I'll do, but it won't be pretty. Take care. Keep in touch more or blog more or something!!! I'm feeling very unconnected.