Take a look at my birthing room! Yep looks a lot like my living room! Well could be my bedroom, living room, or even my parents room. But somewhere in my home I will be delivering my next child! Yes, I have opted to have a midwife that does HOMEBIRTHS!
Yes, I know it sounds like something from Dr. Quinn or Little House on the Praire. With Jeremiah I had a midwife, that delivered in the hospital. I was trying to see the difference between midwives and doctors. At the time my Pastor's Wife (at Prosser church) was learning to be a midwife. I found no difference, since I still delivered at the hospital. Well I was talking with Holly on Friday and she mentioned at water birth. I thought I don't think I could do that, I hate baths. But then she said, "well there's lots of options. Go with a midwife, Mag. Women were not meant to have babies in hospitals." I remember thinking. Yeah, that's what I wanted to experience with Jeremiah. Something different. So I started looking for other midwives. To find out what "options" are out there. I got online and found a birthing center in tri-cities, but they were just names to me.
I decided to call my old Pastor's Wife, Shannon. I thought if anyone knew about midwives it would be her. Turns out she is now a midwife! That was the sealing the deal moment. Someone I knew, and really trusted would deliver my baby. She talked about home births - that is what she does. She talked well about the birthing center, where she actually did all her training, etc. She said some of them do homebirths, center births, and other midwives do hospital births.
I am so excited. Don't freak out. It will be great. I am a perfect candidate. I haven't had birth complications before (except with the twins -Cathy was breach), I've had previous births without pain meds. She will bring everything, a birthing pool (I could have an underwater birth - maybe Holly maybe), tarps, whatever. She can order ultrasounds. It will definately be a different experience. One that I can look forward to. Then when its all done, i can lie down in my own bed and be done. No packing up from the hospital, no waiting for my doctor to come and finally release me. People can come visit after the birth without feeling like their overcrowding - or watching that their kids don't touch all the equipment. Its home.
Fun, fun, fun. So leave me a comment! What do you all think of this idea! Who thinks I'm crazy!!!
hi maggie,
having ur baby at home seems like a good idea, i saw on the TLC channel the other day where a woman had her baby in water, it was kinda cool..maybe huh? :) well congrats again, im so happy for u, cant wait to see ur lil tummy start to grow.hehe..
love ya,
I say just don't be messy.
Well written article.
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