Thursday, May 03, 2007

to read or not to read

How is it possible for someone to enjoy writing, but not reading? Aren't the two supposed to go together? communication too. Aren't good speakers, knowledgable, - you know the type that if given a mic they could something and come off somewhat poised and not like a scatterbrain. Arent' reading, writing, communicating all connected? They're all language.

People have always mistaken me for a reader! I am not a reader - in terms of novels or even self help type books. I like to get information in the quickest way possible. So I would say I prefer cliff notes. Give me the whole book boiled down to a couple pages. Sort of like a book report. The highlights, important things to take away from it. I primarily research online. I can find tons of information in conscise articles.

I enjoy writing though, When I was a kid - probably around Cathy's age - I used to write my own "chapter books". They always had a girl named Cassandra in it. Sort of babysitters club/junie b. jones books. Never quite as long as a full book. But I like writing. I still do. Weird that I never took up actual journaling. Hmm.

I like to talk too. (not the extroverted life of the party kind of social talker), but if I need to speak out its good. I think I come off well too. And I can quickly get a grasp on a topic. I do retain a lot of my reading though. Like for kids church. If i'm scanning through activity options. I just need to read it once - usually on tuesdays when i'm planning - I find one I like and I know it. I don't use my "scripts" during class. i remember the directions, what the point of the activity, and am able to expand on it and give my own two cents. Its all language - i'm wondering how they're all really connected. (not really like intellectually wondering - Holly). Just interesting to think about.

I went to see a specialist this week. Lots of "getting to the root of the issue" kind of talk. She made a comment about reading notes my other doctors wrote saying "each of them wrote that you come very knowledgable and prepared. you do your research and you know what you are talking about." she called me wise (woo hoo) (of course she just wants me to come back again! - if you saw the $ rate summary they had me sign of what they are charging insurance - wow. now that's good money) But then she proceeded to say, "you must be quite the reader. let me give you a book to read over the next month." Aaaaagh. Do I come off as a reader to everyone??? I am not a reader! I currently have 7 books that I am supposed to be reading! I can't even say that I don't have time, but its just not really on the top of my list. How does a non reader become a reader?? Not that I can't read. I read very well. I just can't keep up with my circle of "readers" and others who are outside my "circle" but give me books! and not to mention that fact that parents are supposed to focus on reading! Aaagh.


Anonymous said...

Hi Maggie,
I'm like you in the way that I don't like to read, but enjoy reading short story books, sometimes christian articles or newspapers. Hmm I don't see you as a reader, I know you more as a speaker/writer from church and from your blogs, I enjoy reading what you have to say :)
Hope you're pregnancy is going well, see you at church on sunday, have a great rest of the week.
love ya.

holly said...

i would say you have gone to the dark side, but the cream background softens it... I like the new look!

No, writing, speaking, and reading don't always go together [from what I have ReaD].

and i also think we go through seasons.

your more gifted in pastoral and prophetic than knowledge, right?

plus, you have 3+ babies and a man to follow...

and a 'coalition' to guide....

and your adrenals are shot from your last few years of life...

and God made you to love sleeping....

and you weren't all academia uped at any time in your were responsible and 'successful,' but not zealous....

hence, the no super long reads....

i am excited to see what I will do if I get a less 'scholasitic' position next year...

just to see how I react and what God is wroughting in me...

right now i read science books, and there is a part of me that still finds them really interesting...

and that part is shifting... just to share... it is not as dominant as it once was....

your rubbing off on me mag! :o) is that it? walk with the wise and you will become wiser?

maggie said...

yes, i have always had a "love for sleep". so does my daughter. it pains me every morning to have to wake her up (also because it means I have to get up to get them up). And it really doesn't matter what time we go to sleep we still can sleep until noon. wonder why God wired us that way? definately read vs. sleep. sleep will win - everytime!

Anonymous said...

Hi Maggie,
Enjoyed reconnecting with you again today. I like your blog look. I see you've already fixed the "comments thing", so I expect you to tell me how to get that on Anna's now!!! Take care!

maggie said...

Yes, Susan. I sent you an email at the school email. but in case you didn't get it.

its the easiest site I've found. just plug in your stuff and done. still looking for how to have the comments readable without opening second window.