Saturday, July 07, 2007

Just a quick note.

We will soon be on our way. We leave for Portland on Monday morning. We'll spend the day there and get some sleep at a hotel. Then head to the airport by 3 am Tuesday. We fly out at 5 am. I am excited to spend time with my daughter. I love these one on one times. Granted there will be others in our group and we will be busy. But one to one time with my kids is when I really see them. They're not just one of the bunch, but I can really see their thoughts and feelings. i am excited about that.

AAAAAAAGH! I just saw a mouse! It was in my bathroom. Anyone have any great mouse catching ideas? We used to get those sticky traps from walmart, but they don't work anymore. The mice know the smell now and just wal around it. We need another way. Your ideas would be very helpfu.

Pray for us all. We have hopes and dreams for our familly. A blessed mission trip, a home of ours, stregnth and bonding for our family.

1 comment:

abelara said...

you could teach it how to cook!

just a thought . . .