Monday, October 29, 2007


So would you let your kids make each other laugh so hard that they spit their juice out of their mouth .. totally on purpose! This was a fun thing that we used to do as kids. Someone would take a drink and then other two would try to make them laugh so that they would spit their drink all over the place. Very fun, very entertaining. Now last week, Jeremiah was watching Rachel and he had his mouth full of some drink . . I think she dropped her bottle and he just cracked up and spit out his drink. It was quite funny to watch actually. So it got me thinking as a mom, would I let my kids do that on purpose. Or would I be more concerned with the mess, the wasted juice, etc. Part of me I would think would tell them to stop. The other part of me would just want to let them make memories. Hmmm. How much fun do we so easily stop?? The kids and I were eating dinner and they were acting kind of silly. Well pretty silly. One of them would say something like "taco sauce" and everyone would begin laughing. Then it was are you ticklish? Before I could answer Cathy said "on her funny bone" bursts of giggle from the boys. Then I said "what about my boring bone or my scratchy bone? Outrageous laughter. Somedays I don't want to be silly and I tell them to stop and behave. Other days like to day I was like "hey their not fighting, so just go with it". Anyhow got me thinking . . . how much silliness do we need to put a stop to and how much should we as adults just lighten up? Any thoughts

Oh yeah. I wanted to post a slideshow about my house but I can't seem to figure out how.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I find myself as well as you telling the kids to stop it and be quiet, but on the other hand we all need to be silly and childlike at times :) It just adds more excitement to life. Looking forward to seeing slideshow of the house. Hugs and God Bless!