Monday, August 21, 2006


Finally, Fiesta is here! All the planning, worrying is over. Well coming to an end at least. I love singing with the kids, I love talking to them. I love seeing their smiles. I love hearing their stories.

One funny thing was a girl had a sticker with Jesus on her arm. She raises her arm and excitedly says "I got God"! I enjoyed my time this afternoon. I went to Grandview early around noon and picked up my niece Anna and we (Anna, Cathy, Jeremiah, me) went to invite people. We went to a few areas where we knew a lot of kids lived. We also went through Anna's bus route (do you know how much buses back track? I do now!) I loved Anna's excitement for inviting. She got excited when kids answered the door, when our pile of flyers ran low. She even gave a new spin to the infamous "we don't have any kids, our kids are all grown". Anna's answer to that was "you can bring your grandkids!"

I think things ran pretty smooth for a first day. I expect more kids tomorrow. I need to go to bed. The monastery from Thursday and Fiesta have got me thinking about investing time in others. We are called to love and love is: giving someone your time and attention no matter what. How often do you give your "love" (to someone not related)? Don't just keep God's love to yourself. Invest yourself in others. Think of it as the Maggie Challenge for you. Try it out.

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