Monday, August 21, 2006

Weekend Retreat

Well I havent' been too good at keeping up with this blog. Friday, we went to a Chinese Garden. (We were still on our retreat) I was very skeptical. See I'm not really one of those "sit and look at nature" type of people. Well, even I was impressed. It was beautiful, peaceful. I loved it. I thought what would it be like to look out of your house and see such beauty.

We also went to the Omsi center and saw Superman returns. That was awesome! The screen was huge, but it was also that it just was all over, ceiling and all. Even I want to be superman now! One thing that we did while being at the Omsi center (until we got busted) was video tape random people asking them their opinion on/what comes to mind when they hear "church". It was interesting to find how many people have the opinion that "church" doesn't really matter. It's ok if you go, it's ok if you don't. What do you think? It's got me thinking on what can we do to change that perception. To make it a needed place, the place to be.

Saturday we went to the mall, and Abe finally did it. He got a Macbook. If you don't know, he's wanted one for a long, long, long, long, (should I go on?) time. I'm am happy that he finally did it. My turn is coming, soon!

I got home (well as far as Grandview) and I was just wiped out. We stayed and BBQ with my brother's in law at Pastor's house and had soooo much fun with kids. They made up us (me, Joddi-Jay, Holly) having a beauty pagent. That's not really an accurate name since that categories were "walking with a drink, nerdy walk, etc." Then we were even more goofy with our own rendition of American Idol. It had been a while since I'd had such goofy fun like that. Next time your kid has a great idea like that, don't brush it aside, have some fun with it. You'll be glad you did.

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