This is what greeted me when I awoke, Thursday. We were getting ready to leave on a staff retreat and I heard my mom scream. Mom screams a lot (good screams and not so good screams). My dog (the puppy) had just demolished my dad's chair cushion. I was just in awe of what my puppy had found to do with her time. Yet there she was just sitting in the mess. How many times have we made messes and don't even realize it. We just sit there in the middle of it. Since I was in a hurry I decided to just leave the mess to my kids!
Our first staff retreat activity was to take a leadership style assessment. One of those things where you answer questions and rate yourself, at the end you add them up and it tells you about yourself. I started off excited about this task, but when it came to scoring I felt insecure. There was a certain formula for getting the results. I wasn't just scoring low, on many categories my score was non exsistent. That didn't feel good. My views of myself began to change. I thought, "Am I really this poor of a leader. Why am I even on the leadership team?" Then I was feeling "Who cares. This test is dumb. It's not accurate at all" Then we had to share our results with our spouse. Jorge looked at it and began to calculate my score again. I had totally miscalculated my scores (I mean big time). I then saw "ok, maybe I do belong here, maybe I do have potential"
Why do I need such validation? I know that I can lead people. I know that I have talents and abilities. Why was it that when I was told otherwise, I threw everything I knew to the side and began to believe that? My husband didn't believe it. He right away started trying to find the reason for this inaccurate information. I just need to believe that when God is with me, who can be against me?
We visited a Greek Orthodox Montessori. It was interesting to think about the purpose for the place. A life devoted to seeking the Lord. Hmm. I agree our lives should be devoted to God, but I want to impact others. I don't want to just take care of myself, but help others find God too. I'm glad we went there. It made me realize that I need to be a little more strategic in impacting others.
Jorge and I finally achieved one of my marriage goals! We ate dinner and spent over 100 bucks just the two of us! Why was that a goal? I don't know. I used to watch Frasier a lot and they always seemed so sophisticated. The food was sophisticated. Don't know if I was, but the food definately. Park Kitchen was the name. It was a small place, but I'd read that the chef was creative with food and mixed flavors well. We did a group sampling. There was a price per person, and then the chefs would make basically everything on the menu so that you could sample it all. Everything was prepared exquisitly. It looked and tasted fancy. I'm not a fancy person, but I enjoyed a peek at their life. Even if my taste buds didn't always agree. It was always a guess to what was coming next. Not really a guess, since you wouldn't even know where to begin guessing.
The day was great. I enjoy the time I have with "my group, the usuals" (as my mom refers). We laugh, we cry, we are serious, we are fun, we're amazing together. Doesn't it just make you want to join us??
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