We hit 300! Since I added stat counter to my blog. I remember when I added it, it seemed like it'd never add up. I blocked it from counting the times that I get on.
Thanks for reading my thoughts. Giving me your insight/opinions. This blog has done a lot for me. Just liking to get myself out there. I enjoy talking about things. This way I can say as much as I want, hope someone has something to say about it too, and then talk about it again. Its great! I can think out my thoughts and you can think out your response, or just respond on a whim, I like them all.
Some of you who read this on a regular basis might want to consider starting your own blog. Just click on the blogger button at the top. It's quick and simple to start up. The rest of you can continue reading my blog, please do. It's fun to think that we're kind of connecting with each other through this technology.
Thanks for reading! I've been waiting to reach 300 - don' t know why that number - now I'm looking forward to 500! This is great!
Thursday, October 12, 2006
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proud to be #305 as of 3.15pm on oct. friday the 13th 2006!
i'm not using beta. i thought that i would try it, but then i saw that you can't switch it back. then i was too scared "what if i don't like the beta, then i'm stuck"
go to statcounter.com to set up a counter. its cool because you can see where people are from that read your blog.
Hello Maggie, I am so glad that you liked each and every gift from the children on Sunday. You are a pastor to each of them. You are also a minister to all the people that you talk and share with. You have definitely ministered to me at least. Thanks for dedication to the children and I am glad that you were recognized in front of the congregation for all your hard work.
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