Tuesday, October 17, 2006

On the road again!

Jorge is off tomorrow morning. He will be in McCarran, Nevada for 11 days. He was one of six chosen to go and help train workers at a new Distribution center. Jorge is pretty excited! After all they were handpicked to go! "we're sending them our best, to show them how it's done". I am so proud of him. He has vision for himself. He aspires to be all that he can be (not in the army). I know that God has given him favor in they eyes of his leaders. Jorge takes the verse "no matter what you do, work at it with all your might." Ecc. 9:10, to heart. He is such a hardworker and a wonderful provider for my family. I am blessed to have him.

on a side note (and because he's reading over my shoulder) . . . while he's gone . . .
I can take the whole bed (maybe I'll get more rest) 00ps - forgot, my kids always climb in when he's gone!

who wants to hang out with me and my kids? (seriously I will get board - or go crazy)

anyone want to go grocery shopping with me? (can you imagine all my kids and me with a cart full of groceries - yes you can laugh) (holly maybe we could finally go to winco!)

any other great ideas??

well have a great day!


Anonymous said...

Congrats to Jorge! That's great. We're both blessed to have our husbands. What a long way you guys have come from since I first met you. I remember some of your earlier struggles with Jorge being off work for awhile and having a hard time. I was impressed by talking with Jorge earlier this spring when he was talking about his job and how much he loved it. We should all be feel like that, huh, Maggie?

I actually would go grocery shopping with you and the kids if we could ever work out a time, especially if I brought my girls, who would be of more help playing with the kids than actually shopping or bagging items at Winco. You would probably stand a better chance of finding a time with Holly than me. We just found out tonight Jamie's first basketball game is in Yakima Sat. (provided she can play).

Anyway, I'm getting sidetracked. Jorge, have fun and be good! Congrats again. This little trips are making Maggie appreciate you more.

(Maggie, I'm getting so chatty on your blog now. You'll be sorry you started me on this. Jamie passed by me last night and said "Mom, why are you always on that reading it?")

It's bedtime (actually past it). I'll see you tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Okay, I'm always reading your blogs and "editing" in my mind. I can see how easy it is to mess up now. I just reread my post and found at least 2 errors. Ggggrrrr! I hate that. Too late at night for me to be typing!

Anonymous said...

11 days without your husband, Maggie what are you going to do with yourself. Jorge will be just as lost without you, only he won't have to deal with the children alone. It is a good thing that you have your parents to help (I know it isn't the same). As a wife it must be nice to see that others recognize the hard work and dedication that Jorge puts into his work, that he doesn't come home exhausted as just another worker. His dedication is proving to be worth it. I am happy for him and your support must mean the world to him.

On another note I guess I will have to reveal my identity since you aren't playing my little game anymore:(

abelara said...

yep, that's right anonymous. maggie's not playing anymore. take it from me that's how maggie is (that's how all us laras are now that i think of it); if we can't win, we shut down - move on - and forget you. :-) especially if you're on our turf.

but thanks for playing, we'll have some lovely parting gifts for you. ;-)

abelara said...

i in no way mean we want you to leave. it's great to have the interaction.

maggie said...

abe, abe, abe. yep we are all pretty competive, but mostly we like to win. i must admit defeat - or that you (anonymous) have been giving me misleading information.

anyhow - time to move on with THE BLOG. I love you anyways anonymous. keep commenting and getting to know me.