Thursday, August 30, 2007


So here I am. Tomorrow is the last day of the month. We are supposed to be closing on our house. But it is taking longer than we thought. They called today and said that things are approved upon meeting some conditions. Because our credit history is not great we need to produce documentation or letters with 3 different entities stating good payment history. So we are trying to speed those up a bit. I also had to write a detailed letter stating why our credit report is as it is, what we have learned from our mistakes, what action we have take to improve and ensure we do not continue our past pattern (thank goodness we took financial peace university - sure looks good right now.), etc. So today we were trying to get letters, etc. I hope that we can turn everything in soon. Technically we have until the 15th of Sept. to close before we start paying penalties per day. So I think we can get these letters in by then but I hope that once the stipulations are met, things move quickly.

Sept. 5th we start school. I opted for the online school option. I was weighing my reasons for not doing it, and it seemed so selfish. I thought my kids could benefit academically from it, but I was choosing to send them to public school so that I could have time to do my things. I decided that my kids needed to come first and my other agendas needed to come after them. So if it looked like online school might be best for them, then I needed to do that -at least give it a try. It is very nice knowing I don't have to wake up at 7 am! I plan to have school time start at 10 am. So I can get up and do breakfast - get them up around 9 (well the boys are already up around 8, but Cathy, well she takes after me). From what I read they can stay on track with about 2-3 hours a day. So that sound like school could be done around noon or 1. On a side note, Susan, I tried calling you today but your line was busy just to see how things are going for you at school. I'm sure the new me is much greater than me!

Jorge worked a lot of overtime last week - they had some special training. He got called in for a few hours tonight too. So we are expecting a pretty good check soon. I hope we have our house then. The extra $ is scheduled to be used for fixing or furnishing the house. We were looking around at Lowes today and I am getting excited about new things. Furniture is much more expensive than I thought - so we may just have to see what people are giving away at the time - Hey I know of two 70s looking flowered couches at the church that are up for grabs! Ha!

My computer had a slight crack - well not really a crack, but a piece coming ungluded. It was fixed today and they replaced the whole covering (the part the keys poke through). I thought they'd just use some sort of sealer or adheasive to bind it back together. so now my touch pad is not worn anymore! Jorge thinks that I should purchase the extended warranty since I still can. i'm not sure - Abe do you get the extra two years?

So who still checks my blog - since I have become one of those irritating people who never post anymore! Like Elia - who is still just engaged! According to her blog!


abelara said...

no i don't. i just figure anything that's going to go wrong with it will by the first year. and the things that will go wrong after the first year will be things that aren't covered by the warranty anyways (cracked screen)

i've been really thinking about it anyways. i could keep my computers until they are 3-4 years old. then i'd really want an upgrade so then i'd spend around $1000 every 3 years or so to get a new one. or i can sell my machine just before the 1 year contract is done for a little under what i bought it for (or maybe since i got it at an educational discount close to what i paid) and then add $200-$300 to that price to get a new one every year.

so overall i'd still spend around $1000 every 3-4 years to have a new machine. and by the second method i'd have the latest model every year. although by the first method i'd have a 2nd computer to pass on to deb or the kids or whoever.

just my $0.02.

Anonymous said...

yea, yea, yea, I know I never blog. I'll work on it.