Sunday, October 14, 2007

Here it is - another post

Oh my word! How embarrassing! It has been so long between post and the last one doesn't really count!

I am feeling very exhausted! In every sense of the word. It reminds me of the month of July! I was so exhausted after mexico and kids camp stuff.

We got our house! We officially got the keys the same day as my father's service! Imagine that. We have been going on it nonstop. Lots of repairs, facelifts, etc. to do for it. We are finally getting to the point that we can finish up the upstairs. I was hoping to be at that point on Friday - but the sanders were all rented out! We have hardwood floors upstairs and are sanding them to refinish them. I really wanted carpet in the bedrooms upstairs but when counting the cost - hardwood was the way to go. So we will get carpet for downstairs to help warm it up (downstairs is a basement). However, we have to wait until Jorge gets paid (thursday) for the carpet - by the time it is actually purchased and installed, grr. So I am giving in and moving in upstairs as soon as it is done. I am tired of driving to Grandview everyday, eating burritos for dinner, etc. Our routine has been - Jorge gets to the house around 9 am. I do school with the kids until around 1pm and then head to Grandview and work (yes i work! I have done the majority of the painting - we've painted all rooms, trim, cleaning, this week i'll be helping refinsh the floor and install the floor wall trims). Depending on the day is when we call it quits. Tues/Friday we work until 9. Wed/Thur until 6 or 7, since we have church and small groups. I am excited to just BE. We're all tired of just being strained from giving each other proper attention. All of our focus is on the house - time, money, etc. It will be nice to just be home - even if it is only upstairs.

So many have asked "what's your mom going to do with the whole house." others have asked "are you having second thoughts about leaving your mom right now".

I remember the night before my dad died. He had a fever and was falling off the bed, throwing up and choking. My mom yelled for us to help. We ran over and Jorge helped him up. I remember thinking . . what's going to happen when I move. Will she call us? Or just wait - when my dad would fall while Jorge was at work if we couldn't get him up we laid him down and he just waited until Jorge got home. That was when I was concerned about moving out. I know my mom will be ok. She is a strong woman, relying on the Lord. On another note she has invited a friend of mine to live with her. I had previously offered her and her kids a home when I got mine (hey why break mine and Jorge's tradition!). But when my father passed, my mom offered her home. My friend made the choice to move into my mom's home - after we get out. So she won't really have the whole house all to herself. My mom is also planning on doing some traveling and visiting her family.

So that is the update I have. Jorgie wants a blog. I am working on a Mac one for him - just to try it out. But I feel like I haven't had any time.

1 comment:

abelara said...

hey your house is coming along great! do you guys have "before and after" pictures you could post on you web gallery or something?

anyways, deb and i are excited to have you guys move into g-town!
