Saturday, November 18, 2006

Crazy Driver

Here I am posed to write. My fingers are in position and yet nothing is coming to mind. So where are you regular readers? You know who you are. The ones that were faithful at commenting. Or maybe I just haven't been as interesting lately.

Driving in reverse. I have never been any good at it. I remember when I took drivers ed and the first task we had to accomplish before hitting the road was to weave through cones, forward and backwards. I went over and over again, couldn't do it. Everyone else (well the other 2 people) did it right away and were on the road. Not me. It took me two driving sessions before I could get onto the road. I still can't drive in reverse. Cathy forgot her library book, and I was already down the hill. I decided to just go in reverse instead of turning around. I was weaving all over the place. Almost hit a parked car! Half way through I thought, it's so sad that after having my license for 12 years I still can't reverse decently. Anyone want a ride!

Crazy drivers. We were at the Children's Leaders Retreat and we were pulling out of a parking lot. Well there was this center/turn lane. Since there was traffic coming Jorge decided to turn into the turn lane and then move over. Well the look on the lady's face was PRICELESS. She obviously didn't realize that people do pull into the turn lane. She thought that we were surely going to collide into her. Scared spittless. We roared with laughter. Just the look on her face thinking "oh man, I'm a gonner. I'm about to get hit" Yes, those of you who were there are laughing now, reliving the moment (I am).


abelara said...

okay, here's a tip, elia. when spelling straight, remember to put in the "G-H". :-)

(unless you're talking about the thin water passageway between two large land masses)

jessika said...'s obvious you guys are family:) Well, Maggie...I don't know if I can say reading your post was encouraging because I'm not very good at driving in reverse (especially backing around a corner) either...and I thought that I would improve with time. Oh least I'll be able to laugh about...and put it in my blog.

Hopefully Abe doesn't check my comment for correct spelling, grammer, or incorrect homophone usage.

Anonymous said...

Okay Maggie, here I am I know you have missed me. That look on the lady's face was absolutely priceless. I was rolling with laughter at the time and while reading your post. We did have a good laugh with that. I thought her eyes would pop out of her head.

Anonymous said...

hey maggie,
i thought i would leave a comment on ur driving in reverse, i can barely parallel park :) let alone drive in reverse in a straight line.