Tuesday, November 21, 2006


Ok, the verdict is REARVIEW MIRRORS. Apparently, if I rely on my mirrors I won't have the backing up problem. Hmmm.

Starbucks opened. I'm not a die hard coffee drinker. I don't have to have my coffee everyday, but I do enjoy the Starbucks experience. Just hanging out with people, the background music, the sleek decor, friendly faces. I don't know. Ever since my first official Starbucks run with my Pastor (the die hard Starbucks people) I've enjoyed it. I'm glad there is one in Prosser. I got wind that it was open and offering FREE COFFEE! So Holly, Jeremiah, and I went for a coffee experience. It was packed but they had enough workers there that the wait was not unbearable. While there, part of my Pastor's family showed up. Then Jorge was called to come. So there we all were "the gang" (well part of it - the Laras and rest of Babcocks and my two kids were still missing) It was nice. Scoping out the place deciding where our spot was going to be. Tomorrow is the official grand opening, don't know if I'll go again tomorrow. Even Jeremiah is starbucks friendly he was excited to go get "coffee" (hot chocolate)

On my way to starbucks I passed, Jen's Java and did have a twinkle of sadness for them. I wonder if they will lose a lot of business? I mean, I'm sure there are plenty of people that know her and will feel a loyalty to her. I don't know, I felt a little bad for the little guy getting beat out by the big chain.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yeah, Starbucks is in the 21st century! and i bet paster john is happy! ^_^ i'm a not-so-hot chocolate person, and i really haven't tried coffee...