Thursday, November 23, 2006

Thanksgiving Begins

Happy thanksgiving! I think we should all head to New York next year! I think it would be so fun to check out the Macy's parade festivities. Something totally different!

I'm excited to take a little thanksgiving video so I can make a movie. But I just realized that I guess I'm not so video inclined - I should have gotten some shots of Cathy helping me prepare the ham. Oh well.

Yep, New York. I've been having this feeling like I want to see places. New York is a big one. The big apple. During Thanksgiving or New Year's would be so cool. Maybe chaotic for us small town folks, but that's the fun of it all.


Anonymous said...

I went to a parade in Seattle once. After that experience I know that I could never handle NYC during an event even close to Macy's. Good luck when you take that adventure.

maggie said...

ok so there's probably not a video coming. our camera wasn't charged, grr.

Anonymous said...

I have these horrible memories of the Cour D'Alene Christmas-lightening parade.

I was sick, and there were so many people around I could not get 'free.' Claustrophobia set it hard.

But, New York is tons of fun! We could go to Brooklen Tabernacle for some soul music! That would be fun!

We could have an excuse to eat hot dogs for every meal!

maggie said...

see, it would be great. and abe could drive our taxi cab! (ask abe)