Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Don't you love change.

"We need Christmas" that's what Jeremiah's been saying -meaning we need a christmas tree. So we (me, susie, holly, jorge, justin) - well the guys just moved the big stuff - began the ordeal of rearranging/painting our living room. Susie arranged my bedroom for me too, and I think she just has a nack for that sort of thing. Using our stuff but just setting it up differently. We still have all our zillion pictures they somehow don't look like so many. A big move was putting the piano into the dining area. That freed up a lot of space in the living room. She also placed our big huge old style tv on top of my dad's bookcase (an idea Jorge thought of and I didn't go for, but if Susie said - then it's ok) I teased her about placing our family portraits over the fireplace and placing Abe's higher and centered between elia and mine. Just like always "el nino nino" on a pedestal. Hee hee. I'm pretty happy with it right now - even though as with every move there were some "changes" that had to be made to please "everyone" (read between the lines). I'm still happy though. It looks warmer, like a home, cozy. You'd only appreciate that if you'd been here before. Oh, we haven't found our box of ornaments so we just have lights on the tree for now. It's a start.

Elia will be here in ONE WEEK! I am so excited! HOORAY! She's agreed to babysit for us ALL while we are at a staff meeting too. WHAT A WONDERFUL LOVING SISTER WE HAVE. thanks El. LOVE YA!


deblara said...

maggie - your house looks great!
i can pitch in tacquitos for Wednesday's dinner at your house. (or do they have to be homemade?)
just wanted to let you know i continue to enjoy reading your blog. g'night.

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