Friday, December 08, 2006

Recent stuff

So here are our boots. Jeremiah's are not there since he is wearing them - asleep. It was actually a pretty nice experience. No major frustrations. Cathy and I found ours at the first store.

I also highlighted my hair. I don't know if you can really tell by the picture. Since I am working on growing my hair out - highlighting was a good move. It changed my hair a little so now I like it again. I was so ready for just chopping it.

We are planning on Jorgie starting piano lessons in January. He seems to be the one who enjoys using the piano. If he can focus enough I think he will do well. He is the one that "plays" the piano without making it be just a bunch of noise. He has his own melody. Does that make any sense? I know once he starts Cathy will want to as well. We'll have to see about that. She has a guitar - so maybe I should find her guitar lessons. Then Jeremiah could learn drums and we could have our own band - Yes like the Babcocks.

Oh, which reminds me. This Sunday night at 6:00pm there will be a spaghetti feed and concert featuring the Babcock family to benefit Jessika's trip to Mexico - you should come. It is sure to be a great night - Pastor Jon gave us a little preview of some of their songs a variety from "spiritual" to just plain fun - like "Jeremiah was a bullfrog".

Hey, Laras - should we try to do another Christmas recording for the parents? Last years didn't come out to well, but now the church has a new sound system. Will that make us sound any better?? Hee Hee.

Have a good night.


Anonymous said...

Well, I feel a little embarrassed. I didn't notice the highlights today. Guess I was too focused on the "no bang" thing going on. You look a lot like your sister in this picture for some reason.

Did I not notice the boots, too? Did you have them on at work too? Where did you buy them? Need more details here!!!

Where are you going for the piano lessons? You should have told me you were thinking about it before I gave away all the lesson books Anna had. Good luck with that. Anna had a little talent, but a lot less discipline and dedication to practice. It didn't seem to be for us.

Our family just wants to be able to sit down and magically play by ear without going thru all the lessons. I thought about the guitar thing for Jamie too and we bought the guitar. Another one of those things we didn't get around to. Too many things to fit in around all the sports at our house.

The spaghetti feed sounds like a good thing. Don't know if we can come or not. We especially won't if I don't get up right this minute to check the calendar and write it down (which I'm not doing right this minute).

Why didn't you tell me some of this stuff today at work? Now, I had to make this big long comment back to you on your blog.

See ya. Have a good weekend. Maybe if you get purple, red, green, or some other color highlights I might try to notice the next time. Blame it on the percocet.

maggie said...

yeah! you didn't even notice. oh well. I like them even if their not too drastic or dramatic. i did have the boots too - from Penny's. Joddi Jay has agreed to accompany Jorgie in his piano journey (pastor's wife). Get up! put the Spaghetti feed on your calendar! If I tell you at work - what interest would my blog be to you:)

Anonymous said...

Well hello there Maggie, I noticed your highlites on Wednesday. I didn't notice the boots though. I am not much of a shoe person so I don't pay that much attention to feet. I am glad that you found some that you like. I hope that the lessons for Jorgie work out well. I used to think that I was prettt good at the piano, I don't think anyone else did though.

Anonymous said...

Actually, Maggie is probably going to kill me when she reads this one, but there is just something about that picture that reminds me of Karter (you know who Karter, Maggie). I looked at it again and it just struck me. That looks like Karter with a big grin on his face!

See ya! Haven't broached the subject to anyone yet about tomorrow night. I know Jim has something at church already to do and the girls are doing something at church until after 3:00 PM. I don't know if they'll get going on their homework in time to come, but I know they'd enjoy it.