Wednesday, February 28, 2007

The last 3 days.

I've been sick. Monday I was off work for my laser "surgery". I don't even know why they call that surgery. It's just like shining a flashlight on your head, maybe 5 times. After the appointment I was really tired (don't think it was related). So I went straight to bed. I stayed asleep pretty much the rest of the night.

Tuesday I woke up with a sore throat and a headache. I went to work. By 9:30 I was feeling like "I've got to go home. There's no way I'm staying all day" I left. Went home and went straight to bed. I was tired! I woke up about 3:00 only because I could't sleep from about 2:00 on thinking "I have to pick up the kids, George doesn't even know I'm home". Then I decided I could call the school and have Cathy go to the babysitters. So I did. My mom tried to feed me, I didn't feel like eating much. I had a fever at this point. I slept more until 6:00 or so. Holly called - what a life saver! I still had Sunday's lesson plans to write before church on Wed. I asked her to come over and do my lesson plans for me. I am so blessed to have her! Thank you Holly. Yea, she did come over. Later I found out she was supposed to be grading test - even more special for me that she chose to do that! Sometimes when you are sick you feel people generosity more. I suppose we should feel blessed/loved all the time, but when we are sick is when we are "unable" and hence feel weakest. So when help comes along we are thankful.

By 9:00 I still had a fever, so I called in sick for Wed. I had slept all day so I got up about 11:30 and was up for a bit. Went to bed at 1:30. I only slept until 7:30. Being in bed so long made my bones kind of ache. I guess a person CAN sleep too much. So today I haven't felt so bad. A little dragging, but not dead. I did go to school to see the talent show presentations (not the real thing, but the presenting for the teachers so they know what you're doing). I wondered how that would look for me, showing up while on sick leave. I decided who cares how it looks, I'm not missing my daughter. There was only one other parent & grandparent there, hmmm. I'm sure there will be more for the real thing. Cathy and Isabel did a dance routine to "Different Now" by Out of Eden. I like the beats on that song. They did a good job. They still need to figure out the rest of their routine, but I found out they have until Mar. 30! A whole month! Yeah, and they had a meeting like 2 wks ago about the talent show and telling them they needed to have their talent ready to present today! Why all the rush if there's still a whole month. Anyways, I have fun practicing with them. So this will give us more bonding days.

I had fun at church tonight. We made costumes out of paper for each other. Used big butcher paper. They drew designs then I got to try and create them on their bodies! I felt like one of those designer shows! Except paper rips easy. We decided next week that we should do a model runway thing. Bring clothes for them to dress up in. Anyone have some fun outfits? Those of you that don't know and are thinking "no Bible Story". Wednesday nights is a teambuilding night for our church. We have ministry teams that meat to discuss plans, prepare for Sunday, etc. Grown up meetings. We don't run a "kids program" on Wed. It's the kids of people involved in those teams that come. So its a much smaller - mixed age, group. When we started I felt like "these are the leaderships kids - they need time to just have fun - they're at church a lot" So we spend the time having fun, building relationships, exploring. Of course naturally we tie in Jesus. Paper costumes can represent how God makes us beautiful. Or how God gave us creative minds, etc. Anyways, it was fun. Last week we had costumes that represents people in a family - mom, dad, big sister, little brother - and we got to wear them (even I wore little brother clothes - Jorgies) and act out "family skits" for the rest. That was fun too.

Tomorrow I will go to school. At 4:00 I have another laser appt. Hope that's not what caused my sick. I'm sure they're unrelated.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi maggie,
i miss going to wed. night church meetings, now that im working full time at my job(2-10pm) i have sundays and mondays off. im glad that i get to attend church on sunday, cuz eventhough i pray and try to take time to read the bible, for myself as well as alyssa we need to be in church. im sorry to hear u were sick for a few days, but im glad ur feeling better and went to school today, hopefully the laser treatments arent related to ur being sick.
well i need to get ready for work and figure out something to take for dinner. hope to talk to u soon.
love ya,