Sunday, March 04, 2007

What do you do?

What to read, what to read. I thought I was better, but I wasn't. I was in bed all day Friday except for my doctor's appointment and got up for Deb's parents anniversary dinner. Saturday, had some lab work done went to Winco with my mom and came back home and went to bed. Stayed in bed asleep untill the night. Now I am not so tired, but obviously everyone else is sleeping. So I look at blogs and read. Then, I read some online studies on Elijah (we're working through Elijah this month at church). Those were good to read. Then, turn off computer because really I should be in bed. Can't sleep still. So I surf amazon for a book I've wanted to read. The whole amazon world is amazing to me. How do these people get these products that they can sell them new at a a much lower price? Ordered some CD's earlier for like 6-8 bucks brand NEW. I did buy my book used because I thought that's ok. My mom bought a video for like a dollar! Interesting. Anyhow, there's a book we're supposed to be reading for our church leadership team - but I just don't feel like reading that book! I should do my Berean studies, too.

I'd watch TV, but who wants to say they were up until 2:00 am watching TV. That just sounds like such a TV addict. Instead if I were actually reading until 2 AM I might look somewhat intellectual! Hee hee. But I'm online so I'll just be an online addict. My mom was reading blogs today and she has concluded that the internet takes up too much time. She reads and then she has to tend to something. No wonder we're always on the computer, she says. Ok so here's something to do. If you're a reader - for a week log how much time you spend reading. If you're a tv person - log your tv time for a week. If you're a computer person - log your computer use for a week. It should be interesting. Maybe we can get a person in all three categories and see which takes up the most time. Or maybe it's an even thing. I think it'll even out. Whatever you like that's what you're going to spend your time on - even if you are givng it too much time. TV may come out less since it's harder to do out of the house. Hmm. Any takers?

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