One book down (creating community) still soooo many to go!. I've also been procrastinating writing my papers to finish off my Berean Course. Maybe I'll devote Thursday afternoon to that! I can't wait until Thursday! Why? I'm planning to go out to eat. Most likely by myself but still. I don't konw why I like to go out to eat so much. It's not even about where I go, just the fact that I eat, get full, and don't really have to lift a finger (well except to operate my fork!) It's so bad that I can be somewhat childish when I am anticipating going out to eat and then I don't get too. Boo Hoo. Well Thursday I'm having a doctor appt. in tricities at 9:30 and then an appointment with my midwife at 11:00. So I have time to kill so I've decided on eating. I'm thinking IHOP, but still thinking. Olive Garden doesn't open until 11:00. My appt. will last an hour and I'm thinking I'll be really hungry if I wait. Anyhow I guess it doesn't take much to please me.
How rich would I have to be to have a paid live in housekeeper/cook? If I could have someone who'd stay on top of the laundry and cooking. That would make things so much nicer. I'm not a great housekeeper. Mostly because it is not high on my priority list. Sure I like it better when my clothes are put away, but not enough that it motivates me to keep on top of my laundry baskets. i wonder if women really long ago (litlle house in the praire) actually enjoyed house work/farming. I think now a days there are many more women like me. Where its not that we are uncapable, we just would rather do other things (blog) than tackle the pile of laundry accompanying us on the bed. Were there just not as many other things to occupy time with? Did they just have a better sense of their responsibilities vs. free time? I don't know. I am very happy that Jorge has not harrassed me about it. Good thing his love language is not acts of service (5 Love Languages) - that's where the person feels loved when people do things for them etc.
What else am I thinking about. Oh, yes. Friend time. Hang out time. (trips to winco at 10:00 at night - avoiding the forklift guy who always seems to be running you over, or times to sit in a park and talk - while you avoid looking at the two teenagers kissing on the other end of the park!) you know just time to be with friends. I don't think that women give themselves enough friend time. Maybe men don't either. I leave my kids for appoitments sometimes (many times they come with me) and meetings at church (also many times they come with). But it almost seems unjustified to ask someone to babysit (assuming dad is working or whatever) just so you can hang out with a friend - for no good reason. But friend time is a good reason, isnt' it. So many women go into stages of depression because they feel lonely or isolated. Even when you are around people. If you are only devoting time to work or family duties or family relationships - then you could suffer from a feeling of isolation - from the world of fun, friends, and leisure. I need, God, my husband, my kids, my extended family - but I also need friends.
Jorgie went to Grizz's Farm (high school ag project) and he went to the Yellow Rose Nursery without me realizing it. You see I knew the field trips were coming. I signed the consent forms - I appreciate consent forms, its not the schools fault I didn't remember they have proof that I knew. But the surprising thing was he never talked to me. Never came home and said "I saw a cow and a pig today" Or "we saw where they have lots of plants and trees." Last week I was thinking about the nursery field trip coming up and then found a paper in his backpack that was reminding me they were going. I couldn't believe he hadn't mentioned it. Then today my kids were late for school - 9:30 (shame on me. i chose to keep sleeping!) and I was thinking I wonder if today is the Farm day. What if Jorge missed the trip and has to sit in the office all morning. Well when he came home I asked if he knew when they were going. He said "we already went." I had this mom moment. Right now in Kindergarten I can't keep up with his schedule what will it be like later. Oh yeah and the worst part - my son had no desire to share these out of ordinary days with me! You would think that he would mention a trip! I find out a week later! I mean what kind of mom will I be in the teen years! Aaaagh. Well I suppose I better ask more questions. Sometimes I do forget to ask how his day went - I shouldn't assume that he'll just tell me if something exciting or horrible happens.
Well that's all. House is on. It's one of my regular shows now. Only one more episode of 24 - two hours next week!
hi maggie,
I wanted to tell you that you can call me anytime to go hang out, Jeannie and I usually have lunch one time a week on either thurs. or fri., you are more than welcome to join us :)
Like you, I am not a good housekeeper and also a very bad procrastinator, if I can put anything off (laundry,dishes,etc.) until the next day or later on the same day oh I will do it!, would rather be doing something else (email, myspace, visiting people, window shopping). And I dislike grocery shopping with a passion, I would rather hire someone to do it, but I like shopping for clothes and misc. items.haha!
I can't wait to see your tummy start to grow as your baby starts to develop, how far along are you now?
Call me anytime at home or cell. Have a good appt. with your doctor and midwife.
Love ya,
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