Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Pull ups anyone??

An exciting day. Jeremiah made it a whole day from wake up to bedtime without pullups or diapers (i think jorge even put him to bed in underwear). Totally in underwear. He decided that he wanted to wear "chonies" to the daycare today. I wasn't so sure, because I didn't want to burden her with having to remind him, etc. We try to have him in underwear at home, but still need to remind. This weekend was excellent, no accidents. But I didn't know if the daycare provider was going to be as attentive. But he was positive that he didn't want pull ups. She said that she didn't even have to remind him. He would just tell her he was going and then he'd go. He did the same thing here at home. Boy he is growing. I'm almost afraid to say it - I might gynx it. Maybe I'm finally done buying diapers/pull ups (yeah just after i bought a Costco box). Maybe Jeremiah is actually potty trained.

What a great day! Cathy got a good report from school. She'd been having trouble staying on task during writing time. Today she wrote above and beyond. Her teacher let me know and also let her 2nd grade teacher know. This was a great faith booster since on Sunday during our "get together with a few people around you" time at church, Cathy asked from prayer that she'd stay on task and not talk during writing time. God is working - even in kids.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


last night i dreamed i was picking up my baby from the daycare/sitter.

oh my gosh. i have never dreamed ANYTHING like that... anything so 'domestic.'

i don't think i told you, or i can't remember if i did, but i used to be a person that looked at kid's ministries workers and was like, "look at them! They are gonna get nowhere in life. I mean, why get stuck in a ministry that takes up so much of your time for little advancement oppurtunities.'

now, obviously, it is different.

I think i might have asked to work under you because i was just told i should. ultimately. and also because you were so sophisticated! ;o)

but i haven't crossed the personal division line of WANTING babies. and if i am dreaming them, i want them. i was so emotionally involved! and i remember getting to where my baby was, and i was so happy! and i was playing with the baby for an extended time.

this was a huge thing for me! [now i wonder my estrogen levels. i bet they are high right now, too. maybe that 'expains' it!] jsut wanted to share!

i hope your day was good!